Jeff Nabers' Self-Directed IRA & Solo 401(k) Blog
Visited by thousands of people per month, Jeff's blog is growing in popularity as web visitors find the priceless information contained within. From investment philosophies & strategies to technical guidance, Jeff continually pours his knowledge into this blog at least once per week.
Nabers Group
With Jeff as CEO & Phoebe as VP of Communications, Nabers Group provides Self-Directed IRA LLC & Solo 401(k) accounts to intelligent investors.
Solo 401(k) Blog
A Nabers Group blog focused solely on the most powerful investment vehicle available to Americans.
IRA Association of America
A nonprofit, education-oriented trade association for self-directed investing professionals.
Denver Wealth Building Meetup
A new and growing investor group in Denver, CO. A great place to raise money for your venture or put your investment capital to use.